Friday, 10 February 2006 Monday, 13 February 2006 Tuesday, 14 February 2006
West Papuan asylum seekers face uncertain future
Department of Immigration officials faced a grilling today during Senate estimates committee hearings, over the fate of 43 West Papuan…
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Ending incarciration
On Friday, the Wire looked at the issue of human rights abuses in women’s prisons as the Eleventh International…
US military spending skyrockets
The Bush administration has requested $US440 billion in military funding for 2007, a massive seven percent increase. At the same…
8 billion in reconstruction funds goes missing
Over 8 billion dollars have just gone missing. . .that’s the news coming out of an audit of funds set…
Creationism and the environment
Yesterday was Charles Darwin’s birthday. If the man was alive today, he would be 197 years old, and despite…