Friday, 7 September 2012 Monday, 10 September 2012 Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Detainees share their fears of Nauru through fence of detention centre
As the government goes through the final legislative hurdles to enact offshore processing, recently arrived asylum seekers in Darwin wait…
MPs set to subject themselves to a new code of conduct
A new code of conduct for federal MPs looks set to get the go-ahead from the parliament later this…
From Slavery to Star Trek: one woman’s oral storytelling mission
From runaway slave ancestors to working on Star Trek, the stories of 73-year-old Andreea Kindryd reveal the fascinating…
New report calls for an overhaul of the governance in remote Australia
Despite good intentions, nearly all current government policies, funding mechanisms and programs are inadequate or demonstrably failing in governing remote…
Support services promote honest talk on World Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide support services are urging people not to underestimate the power of words in suicide prevention. Despite almost 20% of…