Thursday, 7 October 2004 Friday, 8 October 2004 Monday, 11 October 2004
Being Part of the Solution
Sam Bahour reports from Ramallah after a week in which more Palestinians have died in Israeli military retaliation for suicide…
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The Middle East isn’t really that far away
The Friends of Palestine are disappointed that Australian politicians haven’t made the Middle East an election issue. They sent…
Latham goes Back to School
Youth Media organsiation Vibewire has its young hacks on the election trail. Election tracker Hayley Baldwin has been with Mark…
Some very hungry election hopefuls
Against Animal Cruelty senate candidates Ralph Hahnheuser and Benno Lang have chosen a rather unusual way to campaign for government…
Money Can’t Buy Happiness
Epidemiologist Richard Eckersley has co-produced an index of well being which indicates that quality of life and standard of…